Make rickcoin
great again
great again

Rickcoin started as a simple memecoin, but is currently building a Web3 ecosystem that provides utility and value to its holders.
All-in-one connected ecosystem
Explore and discover everything that the
growing Rickcoin ecosystem has to offer!
growing Rickcoin ecosystem has to offer!
Explore and collect unique Ricks, each with different skills and rarities. The NFT wave is coming soon!
View NFTJoin the Rickcoin movement!
Buy safely, easily, and
quickly in just 3 steps
quickly in just 3 steps

Download Bitget
Download the Bitget Wallet application from your app store and create a new wallet. If you're using a desktop PC, download the Bitget Wallet extension on your preferred browser.

Send some BNB to your wallet
You'll need BNB, so you should purchase some BNB on centralized exchanges. Once you have some, send your BNB to your Bitget Wallet.

Swap BNB for Rick
Once in the app, select Swap and exchange your BNB for $Rick.
Remember to buy cryptocurrencies at your own risk.
They may not be regulated in your jurisdiction. Keep your assets safe!
They may not be regulated in your jurisdiction. Keep your assets safe!
Distribution of the total tokens
$Rick is the governance token of the
Rickcoin community
Rickcoin community
Supply: 69,420,000 $Rickcoin
All the tokenics have already been successfully distributed.
Equitable distribution is crucial. By allocating 60% to the presale, we achieve greater decentralization.
41.652.000 $Rk
Benefits for holders and the community. The 20% will be allocated to provide rewards to holders when they use our products.
13.884.000 $Rk
he treasury must be managed by the DAO. With the 15%, we can demonstrate the community's potential and gradually increase it.
10.413.000 $Rk
The great work done by the team deserves reward. Only 5% will be allocated to them, with a lock-up period.
3.471.000 $Rk
The tokenomics are flexible and independent of the presale sellout.
In this case, the tokenomics will be cut down as a percentage in favor of current investors!
In this case, the tokenomics will be cut down as a percentage in favor of current investors!
Step by step
The Rickcoin Roadmap
To ensure the future of the Rickcoin community, it's essential to follow the roadmap step by step, achieving objectives and growing our community!
Q1 - 2024
Q3 - 2024
Q2 - 2024
Q4 - 2024
Due to the nature of such projects, the roadmap may be subject to changes.